Congratulations, Pamela Herget-Wehlitz: Her employer, MTU Aero Engines, based in Munich/Germany, has made it into the top 30 of the largest and most liquid companies on the German stock market. The DAX represents around 80 percent of the market capitalization of listed stock corporations in Germany.
Until 2003, MTU still belonged to the Daimler group, before the automaker sold the company to the New York financial investor KKR. 16 years after the sale and 14 years after the share was first traded on the stock exchange, the company is now part of the DAX. The share was worth 21 euros on the first day of trading in 2005 and closed at 237.40 euros on Friday. By way of comparison, Deutsche Lufthansa, also listed on the DAX, is currently worth 6.73 billion euros on the stock exchange, only half as much as MTU.
Would you like to know how Pamela is driving MTU Analytics forward? In the CIOmove magazine you can read from page 16 how she does it: “RIGHT DATA – NOT BIG DATA”.