We are happy to welcome Amal in our midst – as a new Scientific Support of CIOmove! Amal is Executive President of AI Movement – UM6P, Full Professor @ Sorbonne University and Member of the COMEST – UNESCO, the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research.

Additionally, she is involved in various international committees for AI and Autonomous Agents as co-General Chair of AAMAS 2021 (the Premiere conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems). (see full bio @ LinkedIn)
Amal in Rabat
Last year, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, based in Rabat, inaugurated the International Center for Artificial Intelligence (take a look at the video and the text). The first of its kind in Morocco and named “Ai Movement”, this center is housed under the dome of the University and is one of the most important on the African continent.
Amal led the opening of the doors of this innovative center. She hopes that this dome will continue to build a network of cooperation and partnerships with other centers of excellence in order to benefit from a wide range of expertise.
According to Amal, the International Center for Artificial Intelligence aims to ”stimulate the necessary debates for the emergence of a responsible and ethical artificial intelligence in Africa”. The Professor also insists that the inauguration of this place will allow UM6P “to establish a national and continental hub, capable of stimulating partnerships, synergies and scientific productions that will position Africa in this field“.
We look forward to welcoming Amal to CIOmove 2024 in Morocco!
(c) Mohammed VI Polytechnic University