CIOmove 2018: The Magazine








In the CIOmove magazine we take a look back on a very inspiring event of CIOmove 2017 and portray all participants, partners and sponsors who were present.

In the “upcoming topics” section, we looked into the agenda of CIOmove 2018 and what participants already have in their mind:

  • KLAUS STRAUB, CIO OF BMW, says good-bye to the bimodal IT idea. In our magazine, he tells us why.
  • MANFRED IMMITZER AND RAINER TRISCHAK, MANAGING DIRECTORS OF PORSCHE INFORMATIK, give us an exclusive insight into their approach to innovation.
  • DHL-CIO DAVID THORNEWILL explains his idea of how to combine the polar opposites of security and innovation.
  •  And – finally – several participants of “Mini CIOmove” at the DHL Innovation Center tell us their suggestions for the “big” CIOmove to Israel.

But these are just a few topics and we’re looking forward to hear yours.

Let’s start with a look on this year’s participants and topics