The CIOmove commits itself to the highest possible safety regulations at its events. Our state-certified safety officers inspect every event site upfront and elaborate on individual measures respecting the local as well as national valid regulations and laws. Every event site it either being private or public has its individual regulation which will be respected, evaluated and carried throughout including, site plans, common rooms, entrances and exits, etc.
‘Safe move’ stands for event organization under the highest possible standards of pandemic restriction measures and consist of a highly elaborated set of regulations. All measures are underlying situational regional orders and might vary, differ, or change at any time, as regulations might change. The CIOmove and it’s s safety officers are in direct contact with regional and national authorities. All decisions regarding the feasibility of the event will be subject at all times solely to the authorities regulatory pandemic restriction measures.
Per location, the following distance and contact avoidance measures apply:
- In order to control entrance, there will always be a registration or reservation obligation. This also serves to avoid waiting times and of “Encounter Traffic”.
- Employees are being instructed in the following protective measures and rules of conduct (including general rules of infection protection such as “sneezing etiquette”, classification of cold symptoms, etc.), to inform participants by means of signs, notices, etc. about the hygiene rules, including sanitary facilities.
- Areas are being clearly delimited by barriers and provided with a central access and a central exit. The access control is being carried out by erecting fixed barriers, by setting up guards or by attaching flutter tape.
- The avoidance of queues and congestion is ensured by a responsible supervisor.
Organisation of the event:
- Guests who are not prepared to comply with the following rules are not allowed and denied access within the scope of the house rules.
- Contact details of the participants are being recorded. These are valid for the period of 1 month beginning with the day of the visit and will be destroyed in compliance with the DSGVO.
Individual personal measures including SARS-CoV-2 testing procedures:
- The organizer will provide certified testing facilities and equipment. These are in accordance and in contract with the regional health authorities. Each person to be tested is required to show photo identification (passport or ID card) whenever SARS-CoV-2 testing is administered.
- If a person wishes to withdraw from the above mentioned regulations at his or her own request, he or she will not be able to participate in the event or interact with the participants.
- Participants with symptoms or a positive SARS-CoV-2 test are being denied access.
- All staff members with direct contact to the participants are obliged to wear a mouth and nose protection throughout.
Event related measures:
- Hospitality will be provided solely at the regulations for catering trade.
- When toilets are used, appropriate access arrangements, a restriction on the number of persons and the wearing of a mouth-nose cover is provided.
- Toilets are cleaned at short intervals. It will be ensured that Liquid soap and disposable towels for the participants are available.