Few people are thrilled at the prospect of doing the same thing, day in, day out. Repetition and monotony are boring. We always need at least a little variation, a little fresh stimulus. So it is a particularly sad state of affairs if variation and stimulus are missing where we spend most of our time: at work. Fortunately, that can now change – for those who choose a positive employee experience with hyperautomation.
Over time, tasks become routine matters. There are no challenges – or there is too little time to tackle them. Many offices share the same dull monotony. Even senior staff find themselves doing the same things they did when they joined the company all those years ago. You, too, undoubtedly know from personal experience what we are talking about. But is that really all there is to the employee experience? We at ServiceNow say no – and give our backing to digital workflows and hyperautomation. These are topics we recently discussed with other experts and CIOs at CIOmove 2022 in Switzerland.
Hyperautomation – The makings of a happy Gen Z
Younger employees in particular expect a more diverse and challenging job profile. One 2021 study by Zenjob found that 52.5 percent of German-speaking “Gen Z-ers” attach great importance to varied assignments. Openness to new ideas and concepts ranks among the top three demands they place on their job – another point that flatly contradicts the notion of the routine treadmill. Generation Z is keen to actively shape its professional milieu. And in doing so, its adherents can identify more strongly with their employer – another important value for young career beginners.
Gen Z demands more varied assignments
What a shame – what a waste! – if gray and colorless tedium were to stifle the creativity and motivation of a whole generation or even beat it into resignation. But how do you keep eager career beginners from falling into the trap of routine? Digital workflows are one very good answer to this question, as they automate repetitive activities. Essentially, software takes care of lots of small work steps, so employees do not have to bother about them. Especially where the same mandatory tasks must be completed every day, that is hugely valuable. Once the digital workflows have been set up, Gen Z is free to do what it does best: think up new ideas, actively apply its creativity and realize its own ambitions.
Why IT is vital to the employee experience
The right software platform is fundamental to the launch of digital workflows – and crucial to their subsequent success. Soliciting the aid of IT experts is therefore strongly recommended to ensure that the best possible decision is made. Factors such as the integration of cloud services, data analytics for optimization purposes and ease of availability – as in the case of a low-code solution – must be taken into account. Once the right platform has been implemented, the more challenging task is to set up the digital workflows themselves.
IT helps staff by implementing digital workflows to relieve them of routine tasks
To do so, employees in need of digital relief must be able to explain their repetitive tasks as clearly as possible. The more precise the description, the better the IT expert will be able to understand which work steps can be automated. In collaboration with the IT team and other departments, digital workflows can then be introduced so that, at the end of the day, everyone is equipped with those tools that help them most.
Hyperautomation – A positive experience not only for employees
Digital workflows and hyperautomation make for more satisfied employees. But they also lead to more benefits besides:
• 100-percent reliability
• None of the careless mistakes that so easily creep in when people get tired
• Rapid completion of tasks
• A higher standard of quality and greater productivity
• Less problems with the shortage of skilled labor thanks to the automation of routine tasks
Clearly, there are plenty of reasons why CIOs should opt for digital workflows. The IDG study “IT Modernization 2021” notes that top executives and managers in particular are showing a keen interest (43 percent) in the digital transformation of their company. Conversely, this means that CIOs will receive top management backing in their drive to introduce new software solutions. And when staff too discover how hyperautomation improves their employee experience, digitalization projects are already well on the way to success.
This blogpost provides more information on the modern employee experience.