Day 2

© Osborne Clarke LLP

08:00-09:45 am Breakfast

Location: The Hoxton Shoreditch, 81 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3HU

07:30 am – 09:30 am: Please bring your luggage to the reception, we will shuttle it separately to St. Pancras train station.

08:00 am – 09:00 am: breakfast in “the garden” @The Hoxton Shoreditch
08:00 am – 09:10 am: check.out at reception
09:20 am: meeting in the hotel lobby

At 9:30 am the CIOs leave for a walk to the office of Osborne Clarke (1,1 miles, shuttles will be provided for handicapped or in case of rain). Spouses depart for their program at 10:00 am (see below)

10:00 am: Introduction and Scientific Speeches

Location: Office of Osborne Clarke (photo), One London Wall, London EC2Y 5EB

Our coach will give us a brief introduction to this year´s method. Since the motto of CIOmove 2016 is “Breakup and Recombine” we first have to think about what the breakup entails. Carsten Stagge is an experienced coach who accompanied many enterprises during their change processes, see

The scientific supporters of this year´s move are:

Arthur M. Langer, Columbia University
Digital Disruption: How can we Anticipate the Unexpected Threats?
More details

John Keppel, Partner and President EMEA & Asia, ISG Information Services Group
First Impacts of the digital transformation on the outsourcing market in Q1 2016

Ferri Abolhassan, Member of the Management Board T-Systems/Deutsche Telekom AG, Managing Director IT
Division, Managing Director Telekom Security, T-Systems
The fine line between crazy and creative – 3 ways to challenge ICT providers

Christian Decker, ETH Zurich
Bitcoins and Banks: Disruptive Changes for London´s Financial District
More details

Spouses’ agenda:

10:00 am: Guided tour through Wallace Collection – Art & Culture

12:30 pm: Lunch with View on St. Paul´s
On the terrace of the Osborne Clarke office. The terrace offers a perfect view on St. Paul’s Cathedral.

1:00 pm Nat Wei, Lord of Shoreditch

The Fourth Industrial Revolution – the impact on business and society.

Industrial revolutions can lead to positive change and innovative development – we can all see the change in B2B and B2C interactions. How can large companies not be left behind? Previous industrial revolutions have also resulted in social unrest.

How can policy-makers/workers/employers/society adapt to ensure the transition to a brighter, more sustainable future as smooth as possible?

02:00 pm Shuttle to St. Pancras Station (1,9 miles)

02:30 pm Check-in at Eurostar
03:31 pm: Departure of Eurostar-Train from London to Paris

06:47 pm: Arrival in Paris

Please note: Shuttles will bring us directly from Gare du Nord to the “l´École 42”, 96 Boulevard Bessières, 75017 Paris.

Luggage will go straight to the Hotel Pullman Montparnasse, 19 Rue Commandant René Mouchotte, 75014 Paris

No time to change clothes, no need to change clothes – we will be having a party with students.

7:30 pm: Guided tour at “l´École 42”

Get to know the world´s first university without any professors. At l´École 42 the students train themselves in software development mainly by online tutorials. They also guide the tour around the campus.

© Eurostar International Limited,
© 42, source:

8:00 pm: Dinner and Party at “l´École 42”

Location: 96 Boulevard Bessières, 75017 Paris

Meet the next generation. Get to know what they would like to develop and what tools and methods they are using.

First shuttles to the hotel will leave at 10:00 pm.

dress code: casual smart