CTIO (in transition) of Swisscom,
Swisscom AG is a major telecommunications provider in Switzerland. The Swiss government owns 51 percent of Swisscom AG. According to its own published data, Swisscom holds a market share of 56% for mobile, 50% for broadband and 37% for TV telecommunication in Switzerland.
Previous participations
2023 in Portugal as CTIO (CTO & CIO) and member of the group executive board, Swisscom; 2021 in Germany as Head of IT Asia Pacific (Regional CIO), ZF Group; 2015 in Switzerland, 2018 in Israel and 2019 in USA as CIO of B. Braun Group
11.2bn CHFEmployees
Dr Gerd Niehage is Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer (CTIO) at major Swiss telecommunications provider Swisscom. He has over three decades of experience in executive management, IT and consultancy in global, intercultural and diverse environments. His speciality areas are automotive, retail, healthcare, process industry, medical devices and public administration.
In his previous role as VP Data/AI, Integration, Process Automation, IT Innovation and EAM at engineering firm ZF Group, he supported the company's transformation from low tech / high labour intensive manufacturing to high tech / low labour intensive plants in Asia Pacific, particularly China. This contributed to ZF Group to become an important industry player enabling the software defined car and with next generation mobility concepts.
Photo credit: Swisscom
- Mar 2023 - present: CTIO (CTO & CIO) and member of the group executive board, Swisscom
- 2021 - 2023: Head of IT Asia Pacific (Regional CIO), ZF Group
- 2021 - 2023: Vice President Data/AI, Integration, Process Automation, IT Innovation & Enterprise Architecture Management, ZF Group
- 2017 - 2021: Chief Information Officer (CIO), B. Braun Group
- 2013 - 2016: Chief Information Officer (CIO), HELLA Group
- 2008 - 2016: Head of IT Asia/Pacific, HELLA Shanghai/China
- 2003 - 2007: Project Manager, Information- & Logistics-Management, HELLA
- 2001-2002 Senior Consultant, INFORA, Management Consultancy, Cologne
- 2019-2022: Doctor of Business Administration (Dr./DBA), Middlesex University London
- 2017 - 2019: Executive MBA, Mannheim Business School, MBA
- 2017-2019: Executive MBA, Tongji University, Shanghai, MBA
- 1999 - 2002: Information-/Communication Management, Wilhelm-Büchner-University of Applied Science, Dipl-Inform. (FH)
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- 2020: CIO of the Year - Large enterprises (third place)