Partner: EuroCIO

Europe´s CIO network


The European CIO Association (EuroCIO) is the only European, independent, not-for-profit representative for the large IT-users (demand side of IT), both private and public. With far over 600 organizations as members, represented by their highest IT-manager or CIO and representing over 500.000 IT workers, EuroCIO is “the” largest organization in its kind also at global level, with links to other CIO communities around the world. Main objectives of EuroCIO are:
– sharing and developing vision and exchanging experiences at a European level for the better or best use of information technology. This is mainly done via internal workgroups, web conferences, newsletters, network meetings, etc. for the National CIO communities and the Direct Members (the largest corporates)
– externally representing the larger user communities towards the main IT suppliers as well as European authorities, like the European Commission, European Parliament, etc.

EuroCIO is a very active participant in many programmes of the European Commission like cloud computing, e-skills, security and many others. The voice of the larger users is more and more heard in the European IT policies (Digital Agenda) and will impact coming years definitely the new European IT decision making process in IT, like innovation, e-skills programs, education in IT, regulations & directives for cloud and security, etc.
