CIO of BayWa,
Industry: Retail and agribusiness conglomerate
Turnover: > 27 bn €
Employees: > 20.000
BayWa is an internationally active group headquartered in Munich, Germany. Originally founded to support domestic agriculture, the company expanded its activities to the construction and energy sectors.
Previous participations
- 2021 in Germany, 2022 in Switzerland and 2023 in Portugal as CIO of BayWa

20bn €Employees
Tobias Fausch is since January 2019 CIO of WayBa. In his role, Fausch promotes digital solutions in agriculture to improve productivity and sustainability with a digital twin using Earth observation technology.
During the 18 years he was at BSH on various roles, he was in charge of setting up and maintaining four generations of corporate reporting and planning tools in changing IT and controlling functions, as well as responsible for the reorganisation and transformation of RIS Solution into BayWa IT GmbH an integrating IT into BayWa AG - a transformation already completed but which still presents challenges due to its continuously evolving nature.
BayWa is a globally active group with the core segments of agriculture, energy and building materials, as well as the development segment innovation & digitalisation. As a global player, BayWa develops leading projects and solutions for the basic human needs of food, energy and building.
- 2021 - present: Managing Director, Farm Facts GmbH
- Jan 2019 – present: CIO, BayWa, Germany
- 2018 – 2021: Managing Director, BayWa IT (formerly RI Solution)
- 2017 – 2018: Head of Application Delivery, RI Solution
- 1998 – 2016: Various (Head) functions in IT, controlling, Organisation and processes, as well as internal audit at BSH GmbH
- 1997 - 1998: Data Warehouse Consultant, am mip GmbH, Munich
- 1996 - 1997: Head of development of non Destructive Materials Testing at AMS GmbH in Saarbrücken
- 1994 - 1996: Sales for Cryogenic Equipment at Oxford Instruments
- 1993: Experimental physics at WMI Munich
- 1992: Studies at George Mason University and Biotraces Inc. in Washington DC
- 1984 - 1991: Diploma in Experimental Physics – LMU Munich
Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus: Das sind die Digital Leader 2021 - computerwoche.de
BayWa-CIO Tobias Fausch: Wer remote führt, muss über Video motivieren - cio.de
Homeoffice: Warum es eine neue Arbeitskultur braucht (handelsblatt.com)
Videos / podcasts:
CIO des Jahres 2019 – BayWa CIO Fausch ergattert Platz 2 bei den Großunternehmen – YouTube
Lejeune - Tobias Fausch – YouTube
- Digital Leader Award 2021
- CIO of the year 2019 - Enterprises (second place)
- Four years corporate audit thereof two in Singapore
- Initiating digital solutions as an internal start-up (combayn as a sustainability platform)
- Pushing the “Klimalandwirt” Initiative
- Initiating a business model on master data
- In charge of the overall IT Strategy and architecture
- Migration from SAP R/3 to S/4 for BayWa AG
- Product development for Nextfarming as an ERP System for farmers
- Continuously promote building a cross industry network to enable end2end services for farmers