Beiersdorf Company Principles: We direct all our efforts in all parts of the world to the needs of our customers and the demands o…
Participants 2025
Robert Plawiak
Robert Pławiak is CIDO / CTO at Polish multinational pharmaceutical company Polpharma, where he is responsible for all aspects of…
Alexander Schell
Alexander Schell has been the Head of IT / CIO for Germany of Johnson Controls since 2021. In this role, his focus is on the imple…
Volker Kratzenstein
Volker Kratzenstein is CIO Group IT Components at Volkswagen. Prior to this role, he was CIO of Bentley Motors in the UK and CTO o…
Thomas Reitz
Thomas Reitz is CIO & Executive Vice President ICT at German manufacturer of machine joining components NORMA Group. In his ro…
Roland Schütz
Roland Schuetz has taken over the newly created position as Member of Executive Board IT & Digital of the PHOENIX group at the…
Karl Neumann
Karl Neumann is SVP Group IT, Managing Director at Constantia Business Services Austria. Constantia Flexibles is the world’s thi…
Gerd Niehage
Dr Gerd Niehage is Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer (CTIO) at major Swiss telecommunications provider Swissc…
Roman Rapoport
Roman Rapoport has been since 2019 Group CIO at BPW, a global operating supplier to the commercial vehicle industry as well as a m…
Harald Berger
Dr Harald Berger is an experienced Group Chief Information Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Techn…