In the fast-paced world of information technology, TEAG – Thüringer Energie AG is facing a major problem: a shortage of IT spec…
Thomas Speck on Globalizing IT at Trumpf
Thomas Speck, recognized in Germany as “CIO of the Year 2023” in the “Transformation of Work” category, has played a key r…
Patrick Kammermann is Mediclinic’s new CIO
The former IT Director of EF Education First will take on the role of Group Chief Information Officer at Mediclinic starting in Fe…
Sanjay Sharma joins Orascom Hotels Management as CTO
The former head of IT at the international hotel chain Jumeirah Group and CIOmover will take on the role of Chief Technology Offic…
CIOmove@Volkswagen on March 6 & 7, 2024
“2024 will be the year of Business AI”, says Hauke Stars, Volkswagen Group Board Member IT. Find out why at CIOmove@Volkswagen…
Michael Loechle is not finished yet at Hitachi Energy
These were extraordinary years, not only for Michael, “a fantastic opportunity for a new adventure with a Japanese company&#…
Our Travel Tips for CIOmove@Morocco
Morocco, located in the Maghreb region of North Africa, is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean t…
Thomas Buck Relies on Cloud-Only
Vitesco IT developed a cloud platform in just six months to enable Continental’s spin-off and as a basis for digitalization …
Walter Gruener: Don’t spill the beans, go big!
The adoption of AI will continue, says Walter Gruener, CIO/CDO of Covestro. It remains rapid, it is becoming fundamental. Neverthe…
Dorothée Appel and her way to platform economy with Deutsche Bahn
Central platforms provide organisations with greater efficiency, joined-up data, streamlined business processes and allow them to …
Morocco as a Gateway to the West African Markets
Morocco’s economy has developed well in recent years. With the “Plan de Relance Industrielle 2021-2023”, the cou…
Best Ways to Get to Morocco
We have prepared an overview of the best connections to Morocco for you. Ideally, we will meet on May 8, as the CIOmove program of…
Bouldering in Barcelona on November 5, 2023
This is the perfect opportunity for you and other CIOmovers to get together for a relaxing afternoon and evening! Join us for a bo…
Gartner Reveals: Kangaroos in Austria!
According to Gartner’s annual global survey, 72% of CIOs say artificial intelligence will be a game-changing technology in the nex…
Rising to New Heights in Marrakech
At the end of CIOmove 2024 in Morocco, all participants can look forward to a once in a lifetime experience: We will watch the sun…
CIOmove@Fraport on November 30, 2023
Fraport CIO Wolfgang Standhaft (LinkedIn profile) and his colleagues will discuss topics such as the 5G campus network, passenger …